Getting Paid to Knit Yesterday I had a full day of training: "Understanding the Federal Budget Process". Although the class was a lot more interesting than I had expected, needless to say, I got quite a bit accomplished on my harry potter scarf... I'm a little over a foot into it. It won't be an "exact" harry potter-esque scarf- the colors are right, but I decided to knit it in seed stitch (k every p stitch and vice versa) for 2 reasons:
(1) it won't curl
(2) if I'm going to hand-knit a scarf, it should look different from a scarf you can buy in the store.
This weekend I will take a ton of pics and update my site (well, I'll probably update on monday, but I will get the pics!) I'm also hoping to get a good amount of knitting done on the hp scarf... I'm not looking forward to weaving in all those ends (the stripes are too wide to carry the yarn), but it shouldn't be too bad. Now I have to decide on my next project... probably another hat (?) I really want to start on my Aran sweater, but I think I still have several holiday gifts to knit. Oh well! ;)
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