Making Knitting a Sport Having mastered the knit and purl, and a few cables, I felt ready to take on my next challenge- KNITTING WITH A CAT. ;) In my case, my cat is almost a year and a half, and LOVES yarn. I will never be able to make a "scrap yarn" project because all of my leftover yarn eventually finds its way to the floor, where it is systemmatically shredded until I have to make her another little yarn ball. Of course, the ball of yarn on the floor, inanimate and, frankly, boring, is NO match for the yarn that I so thoughtfully jerk out of my knitting bag as I complete each row on my new project- a "harry potter" scarf for my friend. Cricket, as my little kitty is called, is adept at the "catch and chew"- she grabs the yarn and tries desperately to chew through it before I realize what she's doing and stop her. On several previous projects, I have found (to my dismay) in mid-row that my yarn has either been completely severed, or is hanging quite literally by a thread.
Assuming I can successfully navigate the feline hazards that accompany every attempt to knit in my house, hopefully the scarf will go quickly. And yes, on the top of my "to-do list" is update my webpage! I have definitely been slacking off. ;)
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