Birth of a Turtle Mr. Turtle was finished yesterday- just in time to honor the UMD basketball team's victory over Duke. Go Terps! :) I'm starting on the giraffe- man, those long, spotted legs are going to be a pain with all the ends. I'll have to count them all up before I weave them in- I might rival Stephanie's Bird Jacket! I hope not, though...
On Friday, I had the loveliest surprise waiting for me in the mail- the first issue of Stranded from Bonnie Franz. WOW! The Gustava cardigan will definitely be my next project, after the Menagerie. But really, Stranded is excellent. I can't wait for Spring, and the next issue!
Thanks to all the cold weather we've been having, the water main outside our house broke last night. So our backyard became a frozen lake, our nicely paved back walkway is covered in sludge, and there is a river hitting the back corner of our shed. But, thankfully, we hadn't paved the driveway yet- it got too cold too early so we had to delay until spring- the main broke right under the driveway.... they'll ruin a lot of hard work repairing it, but at least we hadn't poured the concrete and everything. What a pain!
The Latin phrase for today:
hoc certum est
"this much is certain"
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