Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It is SO cold today- wind chill of 7 degrees this morning! In my opinion, when the weather is this anti-humanity, we should all be able to spend the day curled up in bed knitting. Alas, my employer doesn't agree, so here I am, back at work. ;)
I was still plagued by the sore throat of doom yesterday, so when I got home from work around 4, I promptly changed into PJ's, snuggled on the couch with LOTS of tea, and worked on the Menagerie. I feel much better today- still not perfect, but much improved. Must have been the knitting!
I am very close to finishing the elephant, which will give me 2 animals down, 3 to go. I think, though, I will force myself to weave in the ends for the 2 finished beasts before allowing myself to move on- there are 44 ends for the turtle, and quite a few for the elephant, so I think the blanket would never get finished if I were to wait until all the ends accumulated to utterly discourage me.
I think I will keep track of how many I weave in, though, just to see...
I don't have any pics of old knitting, but I did find an "old kitty" pic... this is exactly what I'd like to be doing right now!
The Latin phrase for today:
a minori ad majus
"from the lesser to the greater"
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