Ends, So Many Ends!!!! Last night, I came face-to-face with THE ENDS . All 50 of them, to be exact. That's right, 50 ends.... just on the turtle. I made it through about 35 before I couldn't take it anymore- I will finish the rest tonight (hopefully!) I estimate that the elephant has about 60 ends. The lion and the hippo shouldn't be too terrible.... but I can't even really think about the giraffe right now. 4 ends for each spot.... and the spots are so small, it will be quite a pain to hide the brown ends. But it can be done, and I will do it. At least after this project, weaving in a normal number of ends won't seem like such a pain!
At least I'm making progress-
The giraffe:
And the completed elephant:
Oh, and I would like to point out that when the weather reporter says "with highs today possibly approaching 20, but staying well into the teens in the suburbs," no human being should be required to get out of bed. Especially when that bed contains a very happy, very warm, very snuggly kitty. If it's this cold again tomorrow, do you think I could wear my fleece pj's to work? ;)
The Latin phrase for today:
deminutio capitis
"loss of civil rights"
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