More Snow ?!?!?! Although there was little to no accumulation, it was definitely snowing this morning. It was really pretty, actually, and if I didn't have an unbelievably sore throat, I might have even enjoyed walking in it! As it was, though, I would much rather be in bed.
I did get some knitting progress logged today- I'm just about done with the sleeves on the baby sweater. Nothing like waiting in a doctor's office to get some knitting done! And the best part was that I didn't even mind the wait! LOL :)
I got the bulky merino wool yarn in the mail yesterday- I didn't know UPS delivered on Holidays- yippie!!! Next I need to go invest in a few flavors of KoolAid, and some gloves, and see what kind of colors I get. :)
And I really enjoyed meeting with the other 2 ladies who came to the Northern Montgomery County knitting group- I'll continue to attend when I can, and hope others will join us! :)
The Latin phrase for today:
penetralia mentis
"a person's innermost thoughts (the inner workings of the mind)"
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