Friday, January 10, 2003
Photo UpdatesHere is the pic of the card I made for my friend- I think it looks so nice, and it's a good use of little swatches! :) I have already gone through most of my stitch books and identified other patterns that would make good "card swatches." I am making ok progress on the animal baby blanket- I am about 40 rows into the pattern (out of 294!!!) Instead of concentrating on how much I have left to do, however, I'm trying to work at least a few rows each day. Hopefully I will finish this in time! I'm hoping to be able to get some solid knitting time in once the rest of my life calms down a little. Just to remind you- here is what the blanket will hopefully eventually look like: Of course, I lost some knitting time last night when, to my horror, I discovered that I had twisted the white and black yarns on one of the side borders on the wrong side for the last, oh, ten rows- so the little "crossover" was on the wrong side of the knitting! It was totally obvious- so I took a deep breath and ripped out the black border, and about 10 stitches of the white seed stitch... all the way back to where I had messed up. It took me a few tries to figure out how to "re-knit" that one section- but I did it- I can see where it didn't quite work out perfectly, but I'm sure that most people won't have a clue. I'm also hoping that a good bath will even out the knitting on that section. :) I was so frightened that I was going to have to rip out the whole 10 rows- all that work! All those colors! Since the blanket is too wide to stretch out properly so you can see the whole design at once- I took a picture of each animal. Here is the elephant (well, the legs...): ...and the turtle (or as my University of Maryland friends say, the terrapin): Even though the intarsia is a big pain with all the ends, I think it will be worth it to have a more-or-less reversible blanket when I'm finished. And I did make the yarn a little easier to handle- I put all the yarn for the turtle in one plastic baggie, and the yarn for the elephant in another baggie- so at least they don't get all tangled up with each other. If you can't tell from the pictures, I am doing the white and black sections in seed stitch, and the animals in stockinette. And the Latin phrase for today: dum vita est, spres est "while there is life, there is hope" 0 comments || # |