TGIF!! Yesterday, I swatched for my mom's shawl. I can't decide whether I like the yarn or not... I'm going to wash and block the swatch this weekend, and see what I think. If I don't like it, I'll have to decide whether to make the shawl in another yarn (which I would probably have to buy...) or whether I want to make something else for her with the same yarn.
Last night during CSI I tried to be good and work on the elephant-ends.... but it was SO uninspiring. SIGH! I'll finish them up this weekend, though, and get back to knitting the Menagerie.... I desperately want to finish it so I can start the Gustava! I've slated the hand-dyed project for February, and then in March I'll buy the yarn for Gustava, and probably start pretty much right away- I'm planning on taking it to Vegas with me in April... So many projects! LOL
The Latin phrase for today:
fossoribus orti
"from humble origins (sprung from ditch diggers)"
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