Hmmmm... about that vest.... So, I admit it. I abandoned the vest last night and spent my mindless knitting time (aka survivor) finishing the first Karebear Sock... well, not really finishing. But she did try it on, and it fits... turns out she likes them short (yippie!) so I had much less to do than I thought. I'm going to put a beige chenille rolled- edge on the cuff. I think I've got a winner, though, on the 3/1 ribbing... makes the size much more generous than straight stockinette, and still looks good with the regia yarn. And I love the contrasting toe and heel. And, if either wears out, it'll be much easier to rip out and replace! :)
My lovely assistant helped me place the sock "just right" for the photo!
And in the mail, waiting for me when I got home, was the remaining yarn for my Dad's vest... must resist urge to start this weekend! Must finish Mom's vest! The yarn is beautiful, and I really can't wait to get started.
But the time to finish my CURRENT project is...
nunc aut nunquam
"now or never"
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