Boxes, So Many Boxes... Well, today the move begins. After work, I get to pick up my keys, and bring the first loads of stuff into my new apartment. Finally. I am SO tired of stuffing things into boxes! Hopefully by this time next week, I'll be back to knitting!
Besides a very little progress on my grandma's second sock, no knitting at all. None. Argh. And probably none until Sunday. I wish I could be more interesting, but there you go. Packing. Moving. Unpacking. That pretty much sums up my next few days... at least the end is in sight!
Oh yes, and on my "to-do list"- you know, the list of things I can start doing after I get my life back from the moving monster, I have 1 big bold entry: pictures for website and blog. Because I know, there haven't been any. And it's boring. So hopefully in the next week or so I'll get some pics up! :)
One more latin quote before I pack the book:
in omnibus
"in all respects (in all things)"
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