Friday, July 25, 2003  

Finally Friday...

and I'm almost done with my mittens. Well, mitten. I have another couple of rows before I start the shaping- then I have to add in the thumb. Oh, yeah, and I guess there should be a second mitten, unless my sister-in-law only wants to keep one hand warm. :)

I think this will be the general design for a chickami project in the future- using the yarn from chickami #1 (white) and my mom's vest (blue). But I have at least 2 "on deck" before I get to this one, so I'll have time to think about it.

Wendy has been talking about her kitty Lucy and how she bolts for her lap as soon as the knitting comes out, happy to sit there while Wendy knits, sometimes with the knitting on top of her! While this may work for Lucy, Cricket is a whole other story. Cricket is not a lap cat. She's a snuggle-kitty- she wants to be right where the people are, and often curls up right next to me on the couch, and especially at night, but she never goes for the lap. At first, I found this disappointing, but I quickly realized the advantages to be gained from being able to get up when you wanted to, rather than agonizing over disturbing the amazingly comfy sleeping fluff-ball. Even if, for some odd reason, Cricket decided to get in my lap, I could never knit while she was there. To Cricket, yarn exists to be played with. ALL yarn. Sometimes, for reasons completely unknown to her, I insist that she leave some yarn alone, and sometimes she does. Unless I put it down, unattended, where she can reach it. Or, if she happens to be lounging next to me, I insist on moving the yarn as I knit. In these situations, even the forbidden yarn becomes a toy. She can't help it! And I am learning that if I leave yarn unattended when I go to bed, when I wake up, the apartment will look like someone went nuts with a can of silly-spray. And Cricket, who really can't understand why I wouldn't want her to play with the yarn-toy, looks very satisfied with her nocturnal work. At least this has taught me to always put my projects away when I get up!

tempus ludendi
"the time for play"


patterns for sale:

ireland cardigan

yarn for sale:


email me:


Hand-Dyed Yarns



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Alpine Lace
Astrakan Cardigan
Baby Gifts
Dad's Vest
Denim Skirt
Elizabeth I
Gathering Intentions
Grandma's Blanket
Henry VIII
Ireland Cardigan
Ireland Scarf
Lily of the Valley
Linen Towels
Monarch of the Glen

Print o' the Wave
R's Scarf
Rogue Cardi
Sheep and Wool
Sheepie Blanket
Silk Shrug
Tangled Yoke
Tilted Duster
Union Square Market Pullover
Wild Apple
Yarn for Sale