Let's all have a moment of silence for sigma :
Sigma went to the pond last night. I finished both the front and back strap on one side, and pinned them together... after trying it on, it was clear that the body of the tank was way too shapeless for my taste... also, the armhole was WAY too large for me. If I had tried to wear it, I would have been giving everyone on either side an x-rated view of whatever I was wearing underneath. So, although it was painful to see all that work unraveled, I knew I would never wear it, so back to yarn-balls it went. I just downloaded the pattern for the chickami- hopefully that'll work better. I had to adjust for a different gauge- I'm getting 6 st/inch vs. her 5 st/inch, but I think I got the measurements figured out. I'm a little unsure if the adjustments I made to the raglan shaping will work, but that wouldn't be too bad to take out since it's one of the last things you knit. I'll cast on for the chickami today during lunch, and hopefully will be able to get in a few rows so I can take it to the gym!
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean last night- VERY entertaining. Although, since I saw it in the theater, I didn't knit- (too dark)- and so I found myself wishing I had waited until it came out on video. I guess you know you're addicted when... ;)
luce lucet aliena
"it shines with a borrowed light (e.g. the moon)"
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