Yawn!! I'm considering building a little hidden cot under my desk so I can sneak a nap or two in during the day. Or maybe it would be more practical to go to bed earlier... hmmmmm. Last night, in my defense, I did try to go to bed early- but I had gone on a 10 or so mile bike-ride earlier, and I was still all "pumped up," so falling asleep didn't actually happen right away.
I'm getting there on the first sleeve:
You can see in the second pic that the increases stop at the elbow- if I really cared, I would have started over with more gradual increases, but, well, this is fine, and it's better than continuing the increases until the upper arm is the circumference of a large watermelon. ;) And I keep having to remind myself that this will shrink lengthwise- it's getting so long that it's VERY tempting to stop. But given that I know it'll shrink AND I like my sleeves somewhat long anyway, I really need to keep going. I do hope to finish the first sleeve sometime this week (hopefully!)
Cricket was trying to look all poised this morning, but she kept hoping to hear sounds of breakfast, and got a little distracted (notice the ears!)
amor patriae
"love of country, patriotism"
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