Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Woo Hoo!!(and the secret of happiness)Yesterday, I finished knitting the huge triangle scarf: That little bit of yarn there at the bottom is the sum total of all the yarn I had leftover- so no fringe on this scarf! But the length is really quite overwhelming. Now to find some black cherry koolaid and dye this puppy!! :) So that's one happy thing that happened yesterday. I also took a trip to the craft store and found yarn to make Frode for my mom- she requested light blue, and I found an acrylic that was really lovely-feeling, so now I'm all set to start that (once ribbie is finished!) To complete the recipe for happiness, I got my new flannel sheets yesterday, and Cricket generously offered to help me make the bed (she is the official wrinkle-pouncer): Then, in an orgy of snuggles, she proceeded to spend the entire night curled up on "her" new sheets... ahhh, flannel sheets AND a warm kitty! She was very reluctant to get up this morning, and only consented to do so when she was positive that I was actually not coming back to bed after all. And to top it all off, the last law school applications are in the mail as of this morning! I think it's time to sit back, relax, and have a drink!! quo in genere "from this point of view" 0 comments || # |