Maybe I Should Take Up Spinning...
Doesn't Cricket look so proud of her pile of fur? I vacuumed FOUR times yesterday... that pile of fur is from the daily "oh good, you're home from work, want to rub my tummy?" I guess it's a sure sign that spring is finally here... either that, or I'm shortly going to have a bald cat.
Not much is going on here at work- it's even less exciting than usual because I'm in the midst of moving offices (or so they say), and my phone is already hooked up in the new office, so I can't get phone calls or messages until I physically move to the new office, and I'm not sure when that'll be yet. I'm hoping soon, because my new office has a window!!!
Nothing's definite yet, but I *might* be meeting the fabulous Rachael and company next week... keeping my fingers crossed! :)
Oh, and I'm still working on Pines... I might just manage to finish the sleeves tonight!
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