Almost a SweaterI should definitely be able to finish Slosh by this weekend... I just have to sew in each sleeve, and then sew each side/sleeve seam. So the end is in sight!
And I must say, all of my extra work regarding the front band has paid off... I'm really pleased with how it turned out! I still have to attach the buttons, and I might need to tighten up the button holes a bit, but I figured it was better to have them slightly too big rather than slightly too small. I can always shorten them with a few well-placed stitches later!
But the most exciting thing that's happened this week has nothing to do with knitting at all- one of my bonsai trees (that I actually "made" from a MUCH bigger seedling!) is BUDDING! I am so excited, especially since I expected the entire tree to turn brown and die from the shock of me ripping and cutting off over 3/4 of its roots. But no, amazingly, I haven't even phased it! So I present to you the beginnings of new leaves:
Isn't it adorable? (yes, I know, I'm a big dork. But it's BUDDING!!!)
And Cricket reminds you to always eat your veggies... she prefers to make frequent visits to her salad bar. :)
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