Next Project DilemasSo last night, when I desperately needed to go to sleep in preparation for waking up WAY too early to take my parents to the airport, I suddenly was hit by the "re-evaluation bug"... you know, that insistent little voice that questions what you thought was your great plan for the next project... and suddenly I was wide awake. Grrrrr.
So I made some executive decisions so that I could finally shut the voice up and go to sleep.
The next projects on deck (besides the ever-present socks):
- cabled vest for my dad, my design, yarn from stash
- trinity, from Rowan ???, yarn from stash
- wheat turtleneck, my design, yarn from stash
I'm sure there will be several modifications to this list in the near future, but I am moving ahead on the swatches for my dad's vest. After all, it is intended for a Christmas present, and I'm not at all sure how much knitting time I'll have once I'm in school full time. But TAKE THAT, voice! I not only know what I'm knitting next, I know what my next 3 projects will be, and I have the yarn!!!
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