Friday, August 20, 2004  


Well, law school orientation is finally over, and I'm as tired as I've ever been in my entire life. This is partly a result of the hectic schedule of the past 3 days, but really, the blame rests in the little paws of a certain black kitty. You see, we had a little bit of excitement last night. As I came into my bedroom and went to the closet, I saw a little brown streak run across the floor. It was possibly the tiniest little mouse I've ever seen... you know, the kind that has the huge circular ears and a TEENY body. Well, it ran along the wall and got stuck where my bulletin board was leaning against the wall. That's where Cricket cornered the poor little thing, but luckily she couldn't quite reach the little mousie, so she was just trying to poke it. I felt so bad when I heard the little squeeks of terror from the mouse, so I deputized the boyfriend to secure the mouse while Cricket and I took a little walk into the other room. All ended well... sort of. Little mousie was set free FAR away from my apartment, and Cricket got lots of treats for being such a fierce and brave kitty. Then I went to bed. Unfortunately, Cricket thought the mousie was part of a fun new game, so she kept sniffing around the room and pawing at things... making plenty of noise... and when she didn't find another fun and exciting little toy, she repeatedly jumped up on the bed, squeeked at me, walked over my chest a few times, and then proceeded to run around the room making MORE noise. Then, of course, she spent the entire day sleeping on my bed while I was running around {sigh}.

I also decided that there was NO way I was willing to ruin my back in order to make it through law school, so I went to REI and bought myself the rolls royce of day packs. For a mere $100, I now have ultra-padded body-contoured shoulder straps, the all-important hip and chest straps to distribute the weight, and a 38 cubic litre capacity. Plus, just in case, I have an ice-axe loop. You know, for my ice-axe. I'm sure you have one too.

I'm hoping that, eventually, there might be some sort of knitting content again eventually. But for the next few weeks, I'm fairly certain I'll be spending the majority of my time either studying, or sleeping, or watching olympics. I'm currently watching the events from Thursday afternoon. It's getting really hard to avoid hearing the results, especially when they're as exciting as PAUL HAMM's amazing performance... but somehow I'm managing to mostly keep the surprise. At this rate, though, my olympic experience will last well into September!

In the 'good news' column, it looks really likely that I'll be able to keep whooping it up with the ladies at Knit Happens on Wednesdays. Luckily, my schedule is fairly light on Thursdays, so hopefully I'll be able to clear out the evening... at least MOST of the time. ;)


patterns for sale:

ireland cardigan

yarn for sale:


email me:


Hand-Dyed Yarns



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Alpine Lace
Astrakan Cardigan
Baby Gifts
Dad's Vest
Denim Skirt
Elizabeth I
Gathering Intentions
Grandma's Blanket
Henry VIII
Ireland Cardigan
Ireland Scarf
Lily of the Valley
Linen Towels
Monarch of the Glen

Print o' the Wave
R's Scarf
Rogue Cardi
Sheep and Wool
Sheepie Blanket
Silk Shrug
Tangled Yoke
Tilted Duster
Union Square Market Pullover
Wild Apple
Yarn for Sale