Dancing Monkeys
Isn't it the cutest? (in the interest of full disclosure, let me just say that (1) i do not need another little zipper bag, even if it does have monkeys on it, and (2) i don't care and bought it anyway. I also have socks with happy smiling monkey heads all over them. And no, I don't think I have a problem.) My excuse for buying the monkey-bag was that I was ordering a wedding present for my friend D, and there was a minimum $$ for the site, so I had (HAD TO, I SAY!!) buy the monkey bag, or they wouldn't let me have my gift. and no, the gift does not involve monkeys.
Last night was a blast at Knit Happens... I'm now almost done with the boyfriend socks, and I had a blast. :) As always. :)
When I got home from knit night, however, I found a somewhat disturbing postcard. Well, not disturbing so much... more perplexing. Look closely at the legs of this beautiful sheepy specimen, who is standing as a representative of his entire breed. (assume spongebob's bat did not in any way harm the sheep.)
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