Back from the Dead
My paper is FINALLY finished and turned in. Of course, I should be doing all sorts of really important work this weekend, but instead, I'm taking a vacation. I'm sure I'll regret it later, but right now, it's worth it.
First, on Friday I had a fantastic time at Barrister's Ball, a.k.a. law school prom. It was so much fun! Plus, it was a chance to wear my bridesmaid's dress again. My friend swore that I would be able to wear the dress again, and by golly, she was right! ;)
I've also finally finished both sleeves of Mariah!
Of course, I have no idea when I'll manage to get around to knitting the body since I'm hard at work on the socks for my sock pal - who sadly doesn't have a blog, so I can't find out anything about her other than the fact that her feet are definitely on the big side - 9" circumference and 10" long! So, with the deadline fast approaching, I've been working pretty much non-stop on these during my limited knitting time. Hopefully they'll get done in time!
I also have to make my friend an ipod cozy - apparently, ipods get very chilly in So Cal. :)
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