New Project
Shedir is off the needles, and just needs a few ends woven in and such to make it a true FO. But, not being one to waste any time, I've started my next project - a VERY VERY VERY early Christmas present for my mom - a pair of Latvian mittens! (I know. It's SO far away, but it's too late for mittens this year, so I'll have to wait!)
First, I picked out the yarn - it's the merino from Knitpicks - I'm knitting it very tightly on size 1 needles to make extra warm, extra cozy mittens. I'm getting about 8.5 sts per inch. I'm pretty sure I've decided on the pattern, and I think I've got my colors picked out:

And here's my swatch with some color combinations I'm working on -

Of course, now that I've got all of my mitten-planning done, I think I'll take a break and work on Mariah for a few weeks - until I have to get on an airplane with teeny tiny little needles.
With all of this knitting, however, Cricket got worn out...

But not until she had already had her salad for dinner!

And now, it's clean sheet night - my favorite night of the week! :)
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