Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Update, the SequelSince I'm going to be spending 48 hours this weekend competing for an editor position on my law review, I felt entirely justified in only being minorly productive this past weekend. After all, there really should be a limit to how much law school work one can be expected to do!Exhibit A: Challah It came out of the oven on Sunday afternoon, and DAMN was it good. In my (not-so) humble opinion, there are few things in this world as good as fresh baked bread, hot from the oven. Exhibit B: A New Project? Cindy gifted me with some beautiful cashmere sock yarn from Ally Pally in October. And while I love pampering my feet with handknit socks, socks seem like a waste of some amazingly lush yarn... especially since I actually do not own a hand-knit scarf. So I'm giving the Baltic Sea Stole a try. I'm making mine MUCH narrower since I want a scarf, not a stole, but otherwise I'm trying to go with "as-written." I'm not 100% convinced that this is the pattern for this yarn, but I need a few more inches before I can tell what it'll look like. But I LOVE the yarn, and the colors are totally perfect for me. Exhibit C: New Finished Object Galleries 2006 is up, and I'm working on 2005 and 2004. I'm still tweaking all of the templates, but I'm (generally) liking how it's turning out. Exhibit D: Ireland Cardi All pieces are completed, and the whole thing took a nice, long soak in some eucalan. Now they're drying, and waiting for the far-off time when I have enough energy and an opportunity to break out the needle, yarn, and some mattress-stitching. Those very visible raglan seams are going to take some concentration! So there was quite a lot of non-law-schooling going on last weekend, and it worked out so well, I've been carrying it into this week. I try to keep a sock going during classes so that when I'm not taking notes, I have a chance to, you know, pay attention, instead of checking my email or something equally destructive to my attention span. Between classes and choir yesterday, my current sock went from this: to this: And on a completely random note - anyone care to guess what's going on in this picture? hint - the blue and white you see in the bags on the right are also turtleneck sweaters. and another hint? yes, that's cashmere. And finally, in the realm of the bizarre, Cricket discovered two new snacks this weekend - edamame and pudding. Labels: Cricket, Elizabeth I, Ireland Cardigan, Socks 0 comments || # |