Friday, March 09, 2007
Odds and Ends Before the End of VacationThis past week, I've been thoroughly enjoying my spring break. I went to New Mexico for a few days, took the always fun standardized law test (MPRE if anyone is keeping track!), and have been tying up a few loose ends for the wedding.I've also been finishing up some knitting - 2 pairs of socks - first one for S (he's already worn them, and nearly felted the heels in just 1 wearing!) ...and the super-long arm-monster socks for Jesse, which are even now USPS-ing their way to California. I really hope they fit! And finally, I had a dyeing day on Thursday - see, Chaos, May, and Chris had ordered some purple sock yarn, which I then discovered I had GASP already gifted and forgotten to take off of my "for sale" site. Luckily, C, M, and C were VERY understanding, so I dyed up a new skein (which will be in the mail on Monday!)... and I also dyed up a few other things. That orangie-brown yarn? That is, in fact, cormo. I went with the orange and dyed 5 more skeins - but more on that later! Here's the purple sock yarn I dyed up - hopefully the Black Kitty Brigade (and Chris) will like it! And here's my attempt at dyeing my laceweight to match. Yeah - not so much. But I think with a nice dark blue overdye, it will be beautiful. Right - enough with the knitting! So I spent last weekend in beautiful New Mexico - where we even found a waterfall on our hike! But don't let the "hiking" fool you - most of my time was spent snuggling up with Smidgen. Smidgen is all of 8 months old, so still has what you might call "energy." Smidgen was found, half starving, under a trailer as a kitten. She's fattening up nicely now - and has determined that the Q-tip is her natural prey. While I was there, she also discovered that knitting is a VERY entertaining hobby... ... and back at home, there were more cute pets practicing for the sunny-spot Olympics... Right - I should probably go attempt to clean up the mess I made dyeing before my poor roommate comes home tomorrow - but as soon as it finishes uploading, I'll be posting a video of the most fun you can possibly have in New Mexico, so stay tuned!!! Labels: Dyeing, print of the wave, Socks 0 comments || # |