NYC or Bust!!
A few weeks ago, a certain knitter challenged other knitters to represent. Thanks to a few moderately organized email exchanges, Erin, Carolina, Elspeth and I were all set to take a roadtrip. Because I've waited for approximately eleventy-billion years to post, the other girls have already written up most of what we did, so, in continuing with the theme of "look! I found these pictures on my camera!", I present: What I photographed in New York:
Mulit-Colored Sheepies. I don't know what they were selling, but I'd like a sheep!
Only in an auditorium full of hundreds of knitters is the act of trying on a sock in progress NORMAL!
Our "excuse" for planning the trip in the first place!
Did you even know they still made RC cola? And who knew that someone still sold it, from the fountain, in NYC!!
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