Let me preface the stunning background (and crappy lighting) in these pics by pointing out that the temps were in the upper 90s, and there was some pretty unbelievable humidity. So stepping outside in a wool blend sweater-coat was NOT an option. So, in a move that I'm sure will sweep the advertising agencies, I set up the shot in my (not cleaned-up) kitchen, with terrible lighting.
But look... SWEATER!!!

Tilted Duster
Pattern: Tilted Duster from Interweave Knits (Fall 2007)
Yarn: GGH Solitaire, 9 balls
Notes: I love this sweater. The yarn was 50% off, and, even with the extra ball I ended up needing, I still made the sweater for under $50. I actually think I prefer the sweater unbuttoned! The only thing I changed? I made the sleeves a smidge longer.

Speaking of sleeves, I may have already finished the sleeves for the Tangled Yoke...Labels: tangled yoke, Tilted Duster
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