Sunday, August 26, 2007
Oh What a Tangled Yoke We Weave...I have been terrible about updating. I'd like to pretend that I've been busy doing all sorts of important things, but mostly I've been sitting on my tush and knitting, with a few breaks to finalize wedding details.I've long since finished (and blocked) both sleeves of Tangled Yoke... Cricket, as you can see, is my Executive Vice President in charge of Blocking Board Supervision. She takes her job extremely seriously. She also moonlights as a knitting-bag weight (you know, in case high winds threaten to blow away the knitting). This strategic position also allowed her to bite both strands of yarn (I'm alternating balls), and also to effectively prevent me from knitting anything. What a good kitty! Abby, meanwhile, is on a Doggy-Diet. She went to the holistic vet for a chiropractic adjustment, and she said that our sweetie needs to slim down. It's especially important since her weight is only being distributed over 3 legs. So Abby is currently getting between 300 and 400 calories each day, and all of her food is being strictly measured so we don't cheat. We even had to bring the scale to the Doggy-Menu restaurant... she actually got an extra gram of chicken! And finally, I'm just about finished with Tangled Yoke... I worked on it at an Orioles game (made possible by S' undergrad alumni association - we had one of those cool "party suites"!) All I have to do is sew down the neckline, sew up the seams, and add the button bands. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Labels: tangled yoke 0 comments || # |