I've been tagged, so here it goes...
- I hate coconut, but I love pina coladas. I think it's because coconut has a terrible texture.
- Growing up, I was a serious night owl, and thought waking up before 10 was cruel and unusual punishment. Now I rarely stay up past 11, and rarely sleep in past 7.
- If I don't get some quiet "me time" at some point during the day, I get extremely grouchy.
- I hate to be late for anything.
- I drink tea constantly, but hate anything to do with coffee.
- I can't wear wool against my skin, except for cormo, and even then only my arms, hands, and feet. Wearing a cashmere scarf for too long makes my neck itch.
- I hate shopping.
- I learned to read music almost before I learned to read, but I'm still really bad at music theory.
It is REALLY hard to think of 8 random things! So rather than inflict this on anyone, if you haven't done it yet - consider yourself tagged!
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