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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Still Here!!Blogging has been a casualty of my current overwhelmed mood - it's reminding me strongly of that first winter break of law school - when I couldn't quite believe that a semester was over, and I couldn't quite imagine how I was going to make it through 2.5 more years. But it got better, and I made it... and I will make it through this adjustment to the new job, to my new life as a married lady, to the purchase of our first home, and to everything else life throws our way! Speaking of, S' step-dad had a heart attack on Christmas Eve, so everyone think good thoughts - he's doing well and should make a full recovery, but he's still in the hospital.Luckily, I've been able to knit occasionally, even if I hardly ever make it to Knit Happens to hang out with my girls. But see? Finished socks! And clean laundry! Or a kitty bed. Or S' lesson in what happens when you aren't prompt about putting away your clean clothes! Abby, meanwhile, continues to be a team player by helping us recycle the bone from the pork shoulder we made last weekend. And yesterday, we tried to teach her how to open presents by wrapping up a treat for her to open on Christmas morning - she wasn't tremendously entertained by the extra steps required to enjoy her yummy! Meanwhile, Henry came over for some Christmas fun and was well-received, so successful vest yet again! Plus, my dad resisted the urge to behead his subjects throughout the day. Abby also helped alert us to the great danger of smoked salmon on the kitchen counter. She offered to help neutralize the threat, but apparently my parents thought the smoked salmon would be better off utilized in the breakfast omelettes. And last but not least - there may have been some dyeing of the recycled cashmere, and there may have been some swatching for the Union Square Market Pullover. {innocent whistling}. Labels: Henry VIII, Socks, Union Square Market Pullover 0 comments || # Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Deep BreathsWe had our home inspection this morning, and we're scheduled to close on December 27th.Mood? Excited and scared. The house is an adorable little place near Huntington metro, so I won't be too far from the Happy Place (which I haven't managed to get to in FOREVER). The commute to work will be a little longer, but not too horrible. Speaking of the Happy Place, I'm planning on hanging out there for lunch on Friday - Elspeth, maybe we could see a man about a burrito? Between the lingering pain of re-entering the workforce and the insane stress of the house-buying process, I am in desperate need of a vacation, so starting on Thursday, I plan to spend 13 glorious work-free days catching up on some knitting, some netflix, and, after the 27th, some painting and moving! 0 comments || # Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Crazy Crazy CrazyI'm getting a much-needed mini-vacation from work this morning because, in a few hours, I head to Annapolis to take the oath to become an actual, official lawyer. WOOT! Frankly, I'm rather more excited about the chance to relax and watch a movie from start to finish (and, of course, catch up on my puppy snuggles!)S and I are waiting to hear back on our final offer on the house - if we get it, we'd close on the 27th, so it's been quite a lot of stress Chez-Musings. Luckily, some of the members of the household have stepped up and shouldered the heavy burden of stress-relief. Take, for example, a photo of our normal bedtime routine. And Cricket goes above and beyond the call of duty to also take over the arduous task of laundry-supervision. Apparently, the sweaters are dry and ready to be put away. Abby, meanwhile, makes sure we get plenty of fresh air and exercise... ... and that we take a moment to enjoy the simple joys of digging a really big hole. In Abby's world, dirty = happy, so behold one of the happiest doggies ever: All is not well in Abby's world, though - how would you feel if you were sitting on the couch, minding your own business, only to discover that the innocent-seeming down comforter was really a vicious, dog-swallowing monster?! And right - knitting - today's mini-vacation has allowed me to finally finish weaving in the last few ends. Presenting - a completed Henry VIII vest!!! Just in time for Christmas. Labels: Henry VIII 0 comments || # Wednesday, December 05, 2007 More CrazinessSome good stuff - we got our Christmas tree, it's snowing today, and we've re-discovered the joy of a down comforter and hot water bottles. Plus, I finally cleared the last hurdles to my bar admission and will be taking an oath next week to finally become an official lawyer!Some bad stuff - Monday was another extra-long day at work (although compared with some of my co-workers, it wasn't bad at all), and I sometimes struggle with keeping a positive attitude. I'm still hoping that my plans for a holiday vacation will work out, because I really need some breathing room to hopefully be able to start the new year with a better attitude! Some scary stuff - S and I put an offer on a house!! We got the counter-offer yesterday, but we're sticking with our original offer... we'll see what they say today or tomorrow. If they accept, we'd settle before Christmas, and if they don't, we continue looking. Oh, right - and knitting! A few weeks ago, I finished knitting a simple feather-and-fan scarf out of the yummiest handspun EVER. I have not managed to take a picture or block it however, because this is what happens whenever I take it out of the bag: And this is what happens whenever I put something wooly on the blocking board: So instead, how about a picture of some socks? They're grey, and boring, but I'm wearing handknit socks every day (if I can), so having some plain, conservative socks is not a bad idea. And my almost-last almost-finished christmas knitting - a simple hat/mitten set for my Grandma. Labels: Socks 0 comments || # |