Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Still Here!!Blogging has been a casualty of my current overwhelmed mood - it's reminding me strongly of that first winter break of law school - when I couldn't quite believe that a semester was over, and I couldn't quite imagine how I was going to make it through 2.5 more years. But it got better, and I made it... and I will make it through this adjustment to the new job, to my new life as a married lady, to the purchase of our first home, and to everything else life throws our way! Speaking of, S' step-dad had a heart attack on Christmas Eve, so everyone think good thoughts - he's doing well and should make a full recovery, but he's still in the hospital.Luckily, I've been able to knit occasionally, even if I hardly ever make it to Knit Happens to hang out with my girls. But see? Finished socks! And clean laundry! Or a kitty bed. Or S' lesson in what happens when you aren't prompt about putting away your clean clothes! Abby, meanwhile, continues to be a team player by helping us recycle the bone from the pork shoulder we made last weekend. And yesterday, we tried to teach her how to open presents by wrapping up a treat for her to open on Christmas morning - she wasn't tremendously entertained by the extra steps required to enjoy her yummy! Meanwhile, Henry came over for some Christmas fun and was well-received, so successful vest yet again! Plus, my dad resisted the urge to behead his subjects throughout the day. Abby also helped alert us to the great danger of smoked salmon on the kitchen counter. She offered to help neutralize the threat, but apparently my parents thought the smoked salmon would be better off utilized in the breakfast omelettes. And last but not least - there may have been some dyeing of the recycled cashmere, and there may have been some swatching for the Union Square Market Pullover. {innocent whistling}. Labels: Henry VIII, Socks, Union Square Market Pullover 0 comments || # |