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Thursday, October 31, 2002
Training and Scarf LengthI am trying to figure out how long to make the Harry Potter scarf- I know it should be "long," but I'm getting tired of knitting it! I'll probably do another foot or so, and there will be fringe on the ends... I think at this point I have decided I will knit today during my training class (the Legislative Process!) and tomorrow during another class (Data Security), and see how long it is.... I think it'll probably be long enough that I can stop. :) Of course, after I finish the scarf (I am NOT looking forward to weaving in all those ends!) I have to decide what to make next.... decisions, decisions! I think it might just be the Aran sweater for myself. :)And thank goodness the weather is finally cooperating with my knitting- its in the 40s here now, and knitting a big sweater no longer seems unbearable. :) 0 comments || # Monday, October 28, 2002 Website Updates and New Photos!I also added photos of 2 more finished projects... * a Fair Isle Hat for my Grandma: * a scarf for my Dad: Hopefully, I'll finish the HP scarf soon, and I'll be able to start on the next project.... I'm not sure what it will be yet... but I really want to be finished with holiday gifts so I can start on my own Aran... but we'll see! ;) 0 comments || # Friday, October 25, 2002 Getting Paid to KnitYesterday I had a full day of training: "Understanding the Federal Budget Process". Although the class was a lot more interesting than I had expected, needless to say, I got quite a bit accomplished on my harry potter scarf... I'm a little over a foot into it. It won't be an "exact" harry potter-esque scarf- the colors are right, but I decided to knit it in seed stitch (k every p stitch and vice versa) for 2 reasons:(1) it won't curl (2) if I'm going to hand-knit a scarf, it should look different from a scarf you can buy in the store. This weekend I will take a ton of pics and update my site (well, I'll probably update on monday, but I will get the pics!) I'm also hoping to get a good amount of knitting done on the hp scarf... I'm not looking forward to weaving in all those ends (the stripes are too wide to carry the yarn), but it shouldn't be too bad. Now I have to decide on my next project... probably another hat (?) I really want to start on my Aran sweater, but I think I still have several holiday gifts to knit. Oh well! ;) 0 comments || # Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Making Knitting a SportHaving mastered the knit and purl, and a few cables, I felt ready to take on my next challenge- KNITTING WITH A CAT. ;) In my case, my cat is almost a year and a half, and LOVES yarn. I will never be able to make a "scrap yarn" project because all of my leftover yarn eventually finds its way to the floor, where it is systemmatically shredded until I have to make her another little yarn ball. Of course, the ball of yarn on the floor, inanimate and, frankly, boring, is NO match for the yarn that I so thoughtfully jerk out of my knitting bag as I complete each row on my new project- a "harry potter" scarf for my friend. Cricket, as my little kitty is called, is adept at the "catch and chew"- she grabs the yarn and tries desperately to chew through it before I realize what she's doing and stop her. On several previous projects, I have found (to my dismay) in mid-row that my yarn has either been completely severed, or is hanging quite literally by a thread.Assuming I can successfully navigate the feline hazards that accompany every attempt to knit in my house, hopefully the scarf will go quickly. And yes, on the top of my "to-do list" is update my webpage! I have definitely been slacking off. ;) 0 comments || # Thursday, October 17, 2002 Almost Done with Another Project!I am just a few rows away from finishing the hat for my grandma- the fair isle section turned out really well, and I think she'll really love wearing it. She lives in a retirement community, and I'm sure she will enjoy telling her neighbors about the hat. :)Next, I think I'll start working on the "harry potter" scarf for my best friend. Maybe I'll even get it finished in time for her to wear it to the second movie- in November, I think? :) 0 comments || # Friday, October 11, 2002 A Cold Brings Knitting BlessingsI took my first sick day from work in ages yesterday- I had a nasty cold that is thankfully on its way out. After sleeping until noon (!!), I caught up on a few of the tv shows I have taped but haven't had time to watch yet- and I was knitting away! I finished several more rounds on the hat- I think I only have 3 or 4 more rounds with the pattern, and then back to plain white, which should go really quickly. I must say I like the results so far!My "big brother" from college is coming to visit for a weekend- I have offered to knit him up a scarf for Christmas, so on Monday he and I will probably go buy some yarn... :) I'm picking him up at the airport today, so hopefully I can sneak in some more knitting while I wait for him to arrive. :) 0 comments || # Wednesday, October 09, 2002 Lovely Sweater... but no Knitting!Fall seemingly arrived all at once here (DC suburbs- yes, right where the psycho has been killing people). A few days ago it was in the mid 80s and humid, and now it's in the low 60s, and quite chilly in the morning! I love this weather- especially since I was able to wear my "first sweater" today. It is such a great feeling to be wearing something I actually created! Hopefully soon (but probably not before it gets too warm) I'll have an Aran in my collection... of course, to even start that project, I have to finish all my christmas gifts, and then I really should finish my other WIP (fine gauge chenille tank top- which will undergo some design changes, I believe...). But I think I might postpone that even more and start the Aran first- I guess we'll see! :) Right now, I've spent every spare moment sewing curtains, so I haven't had time to knit more than a round or so on the hat for my grandma last night. Oh well! Hopefully soon I'll have some time to catch up....0 comments || # Monday, October 07, 2002 Website UpdatesI redesigned my website (again)- basically, I got rid of frames. Hopefully that will make it easier for people to bookmark different pages. As always, if you have any comments/questions, feel free to EMAIL ME.0 comments || # Beginning of a Hat.... and Curtains!I began knitting the hat for my grandma- mostly white, with a fair isle strip. So far so good- I'm about 1/3 through the fair isle section. This week, though, my knitting will have to wait.... I'm engaged in making curtains- 4 windows @ 2 panels each. Hopefully I'll finish today or tomorrow, or at the very least Wednesday! I have a friend coming to stay with me from out of town, so I would like to have them finished and hung before he gets here. :)It seems like every time I turn around, I think of another project I would like to make for the holidays. Argh! :) And one of my good friends is moving to Southern California, so I'm guessing she won't really need a scarf/hat for her birthday (dec 5) or Christmas. Hmmmmmm..... ;) Oh, and soon- I promise- more pictures! :) 0 comments || # Friday, October 04, 2002 Another ScarfI finished yet another scarf last weekend- this one is for my dad. It is almost identical to the last scarf I knit, only I finished this one with fringe- definitely "fun" to do fringe with a playful kitty in residence! :)This week I have been pre-occupied with plumbing issues.... we had a leak in a pipe, and the geniuses who built our house in 1944-5 put all the pipes UNDER the 6" thick concrete slab foundation. So that has been quite a job, and quite a mess! But I hope to start knitting a hat with a fair-isle band (my first try with fair-isle!).... and the projects just keep coming! ;) 0 comments || # |